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Book Club Connection!
Book Club Connection intelligently connects titles to vetted, interest-matched book clubs ready to discover new authors.
It’s literary speed dating—with even more chemistry!
Book Clubs
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Fill out our survey to help us learn more about your club: what you read (genres, subgenres, tropes. etc.) and what you don't (triggers), how often you meet, and more.
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Once we get to know you, we get to matching! Our crazy, complex, wonderful matching system finds you books we think you're going to love and we send you up to 10 FREE paperbacks for your club to read.
Tell us what you think...
After your club finishes the book, you'll complete our Post Read Survey and tell us your thoughts. Based on your experience and other titles we have available, we'll send out your next match.
I’m starting to think book clubs might be the current hotbed of creativity.
–Bestselling Author of Same Time Next Summer, Annabel Monaghan
Authors & Publishers
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Tell us about the book.
Simply fill out our Title Survey (2 min) and tell us all about your book(s): genre, subgenre, tropes, triggers, etc. and we'll send you an agreement and info for the next step.
Send us paperbacks.
Ship your paperbacks to our fulfillment facility located in the Greater Chicagoland Area and send us the tracking number.
Tell us about your club.
From here, we match your title(s) to vetted, interest-matched book clubs, ship them out, and follow through until the book is read and feedback is captured.
Stats to Write Home About
93% of BCC clubs felt that titles received were a good match
In 95% of matches, at least one member from each club would read more from the author
In 95% of matches, at least one member would recommend the title to a friend
In 93% of matches, at least one member would write a review
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A selection of titles previously matched with our book clubs.
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